I've been going over and over in my head December 9th of last year. Craig drove me to the birthing center to be induced at 7 in the morning. My mom met us there to help endure the long day ahead. None of us anticipated it to be so drawn out like it was. Sadie is our 4th child. We were imagining a quick and pretty simple delivery. Man were we wrong. When we arrived I was already having mild contractions. No big deal. They started me on my pitocin (not sure if I spelled that right or not) and monitored me as I went along. The nurse told me that she could turn my pitocin up every 15 minutes or so, depending on how well I handled my contractions. So I made up my mind right then and there that I would track her down at the nurses desk or walk the halls until I found her every 15 minutes. I was ready to get the show and the road and have this baby. The pitocin really wan't doing much for me in the beginning. The nurse thought I was crazy wanting her to turn in up as much as she could every 15 minutes. But I was ready...oh so ready. By 10:30 I was starting to feel the contractions. Not totally uncomfortable, but beginning to get there. At 12:00 my doctor came in to check on me. She said that she was surprised that she hadn't heard from me yet. At that time I was only at a 4. She broke my water and told me that there was an issue keeping me from progressing any further. A couple of years ago I had to have a procedure on my cervix that aparently left scare tissue. The scar tissue was preventing my cervix from dialating any quicker. Needless to say, my labor was very slow from there on out. To make matters worse, for some unknown reason, I like to have my children naturally. NO drugs. Totally crazy is what all of my friends say. Well, by 4 o'clock that afternoon I was begging for an epidural but the nurse wouldn't give me one. Around 5 or so they did finally give me some IV medicine to help me sleep a little. It was more like 3 pitchers of margaritas than anything. I was pretty loopy and exhausted all at the same time. My mom and Craig could have probably both used a dose of it too. =) Finally at 7:00 the nurses were able to remove the scar tissue. Within a couple of minutes I told them that they had beeter call my doctor because this baby was coming now. Sadie was born with 22 minutes. What a relief! Now look at our precious little girl!!
All worth it...but you are still crazy for the natural thing! Sadie is a special gift...Happy Birthday Sadie!!!