Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Glimpse of the Pudding Monster!!

I don't know whether or not you have heard of the pudding monster. I had forgotten all about it until yesterday. At approximately 11:50 a.m. I walked in my kitchen and found it sitting right on top of my table!! I hadn't seen a pudding monsted in 8 years. But there she was in all of her glory. With CHOCOLATE pudding of course. :)

At first she appread so sweet and cute.

But then she decided the "paint" herself with pudding. And of course, if she painted herself she just couldn't leave the table out.

Here is the deceptive part. The monster makes you think that she will be cleaning up her own mess. But oh no.....she has other plans in store.

After about 10 minutes worth of mess making she was done. And headed for a bath!!!

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