Most of you have probably been reading my posts on facebook about these crazy cupcakes that Halie and I made the other day. They are definately worth a blog! Every month our school does a bake sale. This month Halie's class was in charge of providing the baked goods. She wanted to do something for St. Patricks Day. After looking on line she decided on some cupcakes that we found at Now let me warn YOU because family fun did not warn me. These cupcakes take forever. They turned out great....but the process requires some major patience. It didn't help that we need two dozen either. We started of with a regular white cake mix and mixed to according to the package. Then we divded the batter equally into 6 bowls and added the food coloring.

We ended up with purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. Each of these would be a layer or the cupcakes. In the end the cupcakes would look like a rainboe when you bite into them.

Layering the batters took FOREVER!! I would put a spoonful into the cupcake tin and spread it to the edges with a spoon. Then ad the next color. So on and so on.
After the batter fun they baked at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. They turned out H-U-G-E!
The inside really turned out neat. Halie was very impressed at all of the different layers. They tasted pretty good too! =)

To make the rainbows on top of the cupcakes I used airheads. They were pretty sticky to work with, but it got the job done. It was more work trying to keep the kids out of them than anything.

First I had to cut each color into six strips. After they were cut I squeezed the different colors together and cut the "new airhead" in half. I was getting 2 rainbows out of 1 airhead.
Here are the rainbows. They turned out pretty good for my first time. Maybe my only time...
Next it was time to ice the cupcakes. We went with a green. St. Patricks Day and all.

The finished product! I put toothpicks behind the rainbows for added support and topped it off with a golden nugget. Halie was happy. I was exhausted. Just a meer total of 3 hours worth of cupcake greatness.
Wow! Those look awesome! I'm impressed, and I'll probably never try making them myself. :-)