I have this dear sweet caring friend who hasn't been feeling very well for the last week. To top everything off she had to have an out of office procedure done this afternoon. All went well thankfully, but I decided that she needed a little sweet cheering up her way. So I decided to make her this simple yummy treat. Here's the recipe along with a few pictures.
Crispix Mix1 box Crispix cereal
1 c. nuts (optional)
1 c. butter
3/4 c. sugar
1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
2 packages apple chips (optional)

Preheat the over to 250 degrees. Melt the butter, sugar and cinnnamon together in the microwave. Usually around 1 minute and 30 seconds. Wisk to make sure everything is nice and melted. Pour cereal in a big bowl. Pour melted mixture on top of cereal and mix together. Then pour onto a pan of your choice and bake for 35-40 minutes.

This my friends is what comes out of the oven. All warm and crunchy. YUMMY!!!
I bagged up a bit in some tissue paper along with a card and plan to drop it off this afternoon. Feel better soon my sweet friend! :)
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