is a quick update on a few MAJOR events over the last month.
I took my girls to watch the best performer in the world in concert at the Intrust Bank Arena. Of course I'm talking about Reba. She is my idol. Halie thought that I was crazy because I sang every single word to every single song sang that night. What can I say? I like my music...especially when it comes to Reba! ;) Here the 3 of us are at the beginning of the concert. My mom went with us too. We had a blast. Even missed an earthquake in all of our fun.

Last weekend we celebrated Ms. Sadie's birthday. I will make her offical birthday post on Friday, but I had to post this picture. She helped ice her cake and decorate it. When I asked her what she wanted for her birthday all she said was a pink cake. So a pink cake is what she got! She is turning into quite the baker with her momma these day! =)

On November 14th I spoke about a B-I-G annoucement coming. Most of you know what it is. But if not...feel free to check it out!
AND THEN....I had the most important thing happen. I became an aunt from Josh & Karen!!! This is my precious little girl Kate Marie Carmichael. Isn't she just perfect?!?! Love her SO much! If I could spend 24 hours a day doing nothing but holding her and staring at her I would. Can't wait to go up there for Christmas and spoil her as much as I can. Luckily we are able to facetime, so I still get to she her every couple of days. But in the background it never fails. Grandma Judy (my mom) is holding her with a big smile on her face. No fair I tell ya. No fair....
One of the best moments in life is to see a smile on your loved ones face and every responsible person can do anything to keep that going. However, it is not always the case because life is full of vicissitudes. Man is so uncertain of his life that anyone can leave this world any time; there are no guarantees to this. One thing that has guarantee and which surely has a long-term impact is a person opting for a life insurance plan for his family. There is most of reasonable life insurance for parents and children separately as well. That is how all their financial matters handled after he is gone.