C-H-I-C-K-E-N-S!!! I've been tossing around the idea since we finished the house. But the excuses from Craig kept flying. It's too cold outside! (whatever, aparently not to cold to cut wood and freeze to death while doing it) We are too busy! (maybe...but whatever) It's too hot out! (this I agree with, but still, whatever). This weekend I seized the moment. He wanted to go shopping for something to build dog pens out of. I can't remmeber what it was exactly because frankly, it's really not important. Anyway, I agreed to go along to asure that the trip would end in a timely and cost effective manor. That is until I seen the chicks. It's expensive to get started, but that's beside the point, right? Some how I talked him into it. Before I knew it we had all the supplies needed to raise chickens before even checking out the "dog pen building supplies". We ended up loading 10 Rhode Island Red chicks into the truck for the noisy ride home. The kids didn't have a clue what was in store for them when we got home! Needless to say they love them! Sadie especially. I'm happy to report that all 10 chicks are still alive, despite the repeated attempt from Sadie to hold them and tell them to sit. I do believe that they will learn to fly earlier than normal in at attempt to get away from her as fast as they can. Now the next project is to build a chicken coop. "The dog pen has been put on hold until completion of this new and more important project." Direct quote from Farmer Jen.
Hilarious! It sounds like Sadie and Ryan could cause some serious damage if given the opportunity to plot together. :-)