I had a goal. An easy goal I though. But then again everything "sounds easy". My goal for this weekend was to connect the electric, well and septic to the house. Not a big deal right? I didn't account for the fact that it was Fall Fest weekend, the possibility that it would storm and the amount of work that was involved. Before the fun began, Brock was able to get our stairs built. Swas very happy.

My brother in law Trent was kind enough to come out and run the excavator that we used to dig the holes for the electric, septic and well lines. He's not a fan of using a shovel, but liked running the control for the bucket on this machine. =)

We were very fortunate to have my dad here this weekend to help out. The electric lines and well went pretty quick and easy. But the septic took FOREVER!! The phone company didn't come out to flag the phone lines, so we spent almost 3 hours digging with shovels to try and find it. No fun.

They delivered the first part of our brick today! Bill should start next week. We meet with him in a couple of days to make some final decisions.

Tomorrow windows, doors and house wrap are the plan. I should get lots of pictures of that!
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