My little chicks and I ventured out on our "every two weeks" shopping trip today. It started out very rainy. ON the way I asked them if we were going to have fun. The three oldest grumbled back to me "no". The baby was sleeping. So i tried to change the mood and encouraged them that we would have a great time, everyone would get to have a fun job, and then....yes...I promised them they would get a treat after it was all over. The treat idea seemed to brighten their moods.

We started out at Walgreens. Little Halie is quite the coupon shopper. She loves to cut them out, find the deals and add up how much we've saved. Hanah enjoys shopping period. It doesn't matter what we are looking for she has fun. She also gets to run the calculator. Cody..well..he just likes to push the cart. Little Sadie is pretty amused with just about anything. She had her bottle and her toys to keep her content. We scored big at Walgreens and got half of our items for free. Next was Target and then to Dillons. A few weeks ago a took a coupon class from my best friend Ashlei. She taught me how to match up my coupons to get the best deals and how to organize them. It took me a while, but I think I'm finally getting the hang of it! All in all we spent around $250. Not to bad for $400 worth of groceries! That's right! We got over $100 FREE!! Insane!! Very exciting. I've included a few pictures of what we bought. Oh ya...the kids left Dillons eating their treat of FREE Twix candy bars. After that we met my aunt and mom for lunch. All in all a pretty good shopping trip!
BTW, if you are interested in a coupon class or know someone who is just let me know and I'll pass the information on to Ashlei. It's well worth your money!